June 8, 2009

Live blogging

Live blogging is defined by BlogHer as: Taking notes, photos, or recordings at lectures, conferences, and presentations of what was said and posting it to your blog.

Tonight's live blogging presentation is one in a series of installments courtesy of Thomas.

He is currently in his room, in the dark, tucked safely under two blankets, asking in very clear terms for more water. However, I am of the opinion that after consuming two small cups of milk during the post-shower routine, and then another small glass of water after books in his room, plus an extra few sips for good measure, it's impossible that he's actually parched. And if he is, we need to call a physician rather than offer more water, because no nightime diaper is equipped to deal with this level of hydration. To that end, I'm ignoring the following lecture he's conducting from his chambers...

"Someone needs to get me a drink right now."


"I told you that I am VERY firsty and I very need a drink RIGHT NOW."


"Could someone PEESE get me a drink. Right now."


"I said. I. AM. VERY. FIRSTY."


"Then I said, I need someone to get me a drink now, PEESE."


"I told you. I need a drink. A little drink. Now, peese."


"Then, someone needs to come give me a drink now."


You get the picture. He's a live blogger's dream with the way he has a consistent message but is continually refining his skills and his ability to mix up the delivery while staying on topic. He's going to be evaulated next month by another team of speech pathologists. I think I'll bring this transcript along to save them a few minutes' trouble.


Rosemary said...

Oh, this is classic! I love the way he stays right on his subject and just varies the syntax to see if it is effective in producing the requested attention. What a gem of a little guy.

Stephanie said...

Brilliant topic for the live blog! We're just never going to be able to let Wyatt go to sleep in regular underwear because he just LOVES having his water on his nightstand and I'm too weak to fight that battle anytime soon! Miss you guys.